Wednesday, July 16

How do you get people to donate their blood...?

Give'em a fucking GAS card!!!

I, being a decent human being, took time out today to try donating blood at a blood drive. As I approch the AAA office in Florham Park I notice the parking lot pretty full. Thinking nothing of it, I approch the blood center's "mobile" clinic and get hit with " Sorry, sir, we are a little backed up. Please come back in about 20 min. We are giving away $10 gas cards."

Being understanding, I oblige and go back to my car and keep busy for 20 min. After programing my Mercury's FOB, I go back to the donation area. As I approch it, I see a line forming in front of the door and get hit with "... it's gonna be about 45 - 60 min."

I have donated pleny of times before and never seen such an intrest in blood donation. What has this country become?? People are giving the term Oil = Blood a true meaning.

Now only if Continental gave free airline miles for a donation or two!!!

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